Have you always wanted to write a book but don't know where to start?

Has self-doubt stopped you from achieving your writing dreams?

Do you have great story idea but no clue what to do with it?

Don't worry - Taleblazer can help.

Our accessible courses are designed to help you achieve your writing goals, whatever stage you're at on your writing journey.

Learn the fundamentals of writing or hone your techniques and make your writing soar.

"Every tale deserves to be told"

Hi, I’m Sarah

I wanted to be a writer ever since I could remember. I spent years toying around with ideas which never really went anywhere. In truth I always thought being a writer wasn't a career option for someone like me.

But those ideas kept nagging away at me until I decided to do something about it. I took myself back to school and gained a masters in Writing for Children.

When I was just starting out, I didn't know where to begin. I wish I'd had someone who'd been through it all to guide and support me.

So after over twenty years in the teaching profession, I founded Taleblazer. I'm making it my mission to help anyone who wants to write to achieve their dreams.

Whether you're writing for fun or you want to do it professionally, I'm here.

I can't wait to get started.